Ohio Frog and Toad Calling Survey

Mountain Chorus Frog

(Pseudacris brachyphona)

Distribution of the Mountain Chorus Frog in Ohio.

Mountain Chorus Frog. (photo by Adam Mann)

Species Description:   The Mountain Chorus Frog attains a snout-vent length of 2.5 to 3.2 cm (1 to 1 1/4 inches).  The skin is smooth and the ground color can vary from olive to light brown.  A wide stripe on each side of the back extends from the shoulder to the groin.  These stripes are strongly curved inward towards the spine and come close to touching in the middle of the frog's back.  Occasionally, the stripes are broken or faded.  Another dark stripe extends from the nostril through the eye and along the side of the body.  A dark triangle is present between the eyes and a white line runs along the upper lip.  The belly is creamy white.  The adhesive discs are slightly wider than each toe.  Males have a midline vocal sac.  
Habitat: Mountain Chorus Frogs can be found on moist, wooded hillsides especially around springs and seeps.  
Reproductive Activity: Chorusing takes place from mid March through late May and early June.  Males call from exposed areas along the edge or from emergent twigs in shallow water.  The call is a short, harsh “rake” that is repeated over and over.  
Ohio Distribution: This species is restricted to the unglaciated portions of the Allegheny Plateau. Walker (1946) reported two disjunct populations, one each in Carroll and Jefferson Counties.  These appeared to be isolated from other Ohio populations by approximately 95 kilometers (60 miles).  We have attempted to fill in this gap but have only been successful in narrowing it to about 65 kilometers (40 miles).  With the exception of the Carroll and Jefferson County populations, they have never been reported from the northern portions of the Unglaciated Allegheny Plateau.  Fieldwork needs to be done in this region in order to determine their presence or absence.  
Status: Walker (1946) described Mountain Chorus Frogs as being common in the Unglaciated Allegheny Plateau.  Anecdotal reports suggest that this species’ range in Ohio may be contracting.
Photographic Recommendations: To distinguish this from the other four small treefrogs in Ohio, a dorsal view must include the curved stripes on the back and the triangle between the eyes.  A side view of the head should include the dark mask on the face and the white line above the upper lip.

Last modified:
Sunday, March 27, 2005

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